Tips for Decluttering Your Home

Guide in Decluttering your Home

July 03, 2022 8 Read

There are so many benefits to decluttering your home. Not only does it make your space more functional and organized, but it can also help reduce stress and make your home a more relaxing place to be.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the thought of decluttering home, don’t worry - we’ve got you covered. Here are some decluttering tips to help you get started:

1. Start with one room at a time

Trying to declutter your entire house all at once can be daunting and overwhelming. Instead, focus on one room at a time. Once you’ve start decluttering that space, move on to the next room. Your storage space will thank you! Professional organizer often give decluttering tip by category rather than by room. So, you might want to start with all of your clothes, then declutter your book collection, and so on.

Too much clutter can make your home feel small and cramped. By removing furniture and things you don’t need in each room, you’ll be able to create a more open and inviting space.

Paper clutter is one of the main culprits when it comes to cluttered homes. To declutter your paper clutter, start by purging any documents that are no longer relevant. This might include old bills, receipts, and bank statements. Once you’ve gotten rid of the obvious offenders, take a close look at the rest of your paperwork.

2. Get rid of anything you don’t use or need

One of the quickest ways to declutter your home is to get rid of anything you no longer use or need. This could include clothes you no longer wear, books you’ve already read, or kitchen appliances you never use. If you’re not sure whether or not to get rid of something, ask yourself if you’ve used it in the past year. If the answer is no, then it’s probably time to let it go.

In your hall closet : Old clothes that you no longer wear can take up a lot of space in your closet. If you haven’t worn something in over a year, consider donating it to a local thrift store.

In your bathroom: Do you really need that many half-used bottles of shampoo and conditioner? Toss anything that’s more than half empty and streamline your shower routine with just a few essentials.

In your kitchen: Most of us have at least one kitchen appliance that we never use. Whether it’s an ice cream maker, baking supplies, bread machine, or juicer, get rid of anything that’s taking up space and not getting any use. Cleaning supplies are another kitchen item that can quickly accumulate. Keep only what you need and get rid of anything that’s past its expiration date.

Clutter free home : Once you’ve decluttered your home, it’s important to keep it that way. Make a rule that for every new item you bring into your home, you must get rid of something else. This will help prevent your home from becoming cluttered again.

In the living room: The living room is one of the most common places for clutter to accumulate. Papers, magazines, toys, and blankets can all add up quickly. Don’t let your living room become a dumping ground for everything that doesn’t have a home. Keep only what you need and use on a regular basis.

In the laundry room: The laundry room is another common place for clutter to build up. Laundry detergent, fabric softener, and dryer sheets can all take up a lot of space. Get rid of anything that you don’t use on a regular basis.

3. Create a donation pile

As you’re decluttering your home, create a pile of items that you can donate to charity. This is a great way to get rid of unwanted items while also helping others in need. Storage spaces are often filled with items that we no longer need or use. By donating these items, you can clear out some much-needed space while also helping those less fortunate.

Storage containers can also be a great way to declutter your home. If you have items that you no longer use but can’t bear to get rid of, consider putting them into storage. This will free up some much-needed space in your home while still allowing you to keep the items safe and sound.

4. Invest in storage solutions

Once you’ve decluttered your home, it’s important to invest in some storage solutions to help keep it organized. This could include shelving units, storage bins, or even a simple filing system. By having a place for everything, you’ll be less likely to let your home become cluttered again.

Also, storage boxes, baskets, or totes can help keep clutter hidden away until you have time to deal with it. This way, your home will always look presentable, even when things are a bit messy.

Make sure that things with sentimental value are stored in a safe place, like a keepsake box or shadow box. This way, you can still enjoy them without having them taking up space in your home.

5. Set aside some time each week to declutter

Once you’ve decluttered your home, it’s important to maintain it. Set aside some time each week - even just 15 minutes - to declutter and organize your space. This will help prevent your home from becoming cluttered again.

Declutter your home gradually. If decluttering your entire home seems like too much, start small. Choose one area or one item to declutter each day. For example, you could declutter your desk on Monday, your closet on Tuesday, and so on. Or, you could choose to declutter one type of items, such as all of your clothes, books, or paperwork.

You can also hire a professional junk removal company to help you declutter your home. Professional junk removal company can help you create a plan and systems to declutter and organize your space.

6. Drawer dividers can help with organization

Once you’ve decluttered your drawers, keep them organized with drawer dividers. This can be used to divide and organize any type of drawer, including dresser drawers, kitchen drawers, and bathroom drawers.

Have a storage container for small items. Small items can be difficult to keep organized and can often get lost in drawers or cabinets. To keep small items organized, use storage containers. Storage containers come in a variety of sizes and can be used to store anything from coffee table to office supplies.

7. Use baskets and bins to store items

On the laundry room shelf, in the kids’ closets, and under the bathroom sink are all places where baskets and bins can be extremely helpful. By using these, you can declutter surfaces and still have quick and easy access to the items you need.

The family room is another place where baskets can help to declutter. Throw blankets, remote controls, and other items can be stored in baskets on shelves or in a cabinet.

You can also check on the vertical space in your home. Wall-mounted baskets can hold items like mail, keys, and leashes. Use some storage bags and hooks to declutter the area behind your door.

8. Keep only what you need

This may seem like an obvious tip, but it’s one that is often overlooked. When you’re decluttering your home , it’s important to only keep what you need. This can be difficult to determine, but a good rule of thumb is to ask yourself if you’ve used something in the past year. If not, chances are you don’t need it.

An organized space feels refreshing, but an empty space can feel sterile. When you’re decluttering your home, be sure to only keep what you need, but also what you love.

9. Bring in some green

Not only do plants add life to a room, but they can also help purify the air. If you don’t have a green thumb, opt for something low-maintenance, like succulents or cacti.

Clutter free home is one of the best feelings ever. A home is a reflection of our personality and it should always be kept clean and clutter-free. But, in the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, we often tend to forget about decluttering our homes. This can lead to a lot of unnecessary stress in our lives.

10. Let go of sentimental items

It’s okay to keep a few sentimental items, but don’t let sentimentality take over your home. If you have too many emotional attachments to things, it can be hard to keep your home clean and organized.

The remaining items should be stored away in a memory box or photo album. The unnecessary stuff can be donated, recycled, or thrown away. The wall space and surfaces in your home should be reserved for things that bring you joy or are essential to your daily life.

You can also create zones for different types of sentimental value items. For example, you might have a “family room” where you keep things that remind you of your loved ones. Or you could have a “ vacation zone” where you display souvenirs from your travels.


By following these decluttering tips, you’ll be well on your way to having a decluttered and organized home. Just remember to take it one step at a time, and you’ll be surprised at how quickly your home can become clutter-free.